Safety Orientation
For new members
Louisiana Lever Action Silhouette Championship
Louisiana Lever Action Silhouette Championship The Green Range for the Friday, Dec 13 thru Sunday, Dec 15, 2022 Louisiana Lever Action Silhouette state championship match. Friday – setup from 8:00 – 12:00; match practice from 12:00 – dark. Saturday – Matches all day. Sunday – Match until early afternoon, clearing range for...
Whirling 22’s
The Whirling .22s is a timed challenge, designed for all everyday shooters without the need of special equipment or special training, with rifles and pistols .22, at targets that will whirl (spin) or move when hit. You will perform accurate and fast shooting in a variety of conditions challenging gun enthusiasts. Competition is open to...
Safety Orientation
For new members
Action Steel Match
Fusilier January 12 Action Steel Match (using Steel Challenge procedures) *** MEMBERS ONLY *** NO GUESTS *** Price: $5 (cash only) You must register via Practiscore ( See below. 20 shooters maximum. One gun per shooter. *** NO WALKONS*** Registration opens at 7:00 AM on January 5; closes at 5:00 PM on January 11 Fast...
Whirling 22’s
The Whirling .22s is a timed challenge, designed for all everyday shooters without the need of special equipment or special training, with rifles and pistols .22, at targets that will whirl (spin) or move when hit. You will perform accurate and fast shooting in a variety of conditions challenging gun enthusiasts. Competition is open to...
Safety Orientation
For new members
Long Range Qualifying
The Long Range is open for member use. This event is to allow members to qualify to use the Long Range. If you plan to attend, please be there promptly at the start for a review of the long range rules followed by live shooting qualifications. Once live qualification shooting begins, anyone arriving late will...
Whirling 22’s
The Whirling .22s is a timed challenge, designed for all everyday shooters without the need of special equipment or special training, with rifles and pistols .22, at targets that will whirl (spin) or move when hit. You will perform accurate and fast shooting in a variety of conditions challenging gun enthusiasts. Competition is open to...